About me

The obligatory bio section that I can’t believe anyone would really want to read. Fiction is so much more interesting and entertaining!

One of the best suggestions I could make to someone interested in writing, as well as read as much as possible, is to join a local writers' group. You learn so much from other people in the same position, and gain skills, tips and support.

andrew whyte

The story of

andrew whyte

I am not known for my gregarious or outgoing manner, exactly the opposite. I am the very definition of an introvert, the one at the back of the room, in the corner, preferably in the dark, and hoping I can go home in the next few minutes. Therefore, filling in information on a page like this is torture! 

I think that’s why I am drawn to something like writing. It gives me the opportunity to hide, to live somewhere else, as someone else. To be everything I am not. But, having a website is a way to connect with people, and visitors expect an ‘about page’ with some biography information. So, here we go. And apologies for the picture straight away. I am never comfortable in photos.

andrew whyte profile picture

Born in Perth, Scotland, I moved ‘darn sarf’ in 1986 and spent 35 years living in the south of England. Work was mainly in office administration, nothing overly exciting or demanding, but it paid the bills, mostly. My interests include reading, travel (curtailed slightly, because of my furry chum), cinema, television and theatre. I also love cheese and chocolate too much, although not together. I like sports, both watching and taking part, at least I did. Playing badminton and squash for years, until my knackered knee told me enough was enough (yes, my weight was probably also a factor in that decision, and in the knee! I miss playing competitively). Many hours can be spent playing online games and whatever else I can find to distract me from writing. Something I excel at when I choose to. And, as mentioned, being from Perth, here’s a picture of the dog overlooking the River Tay. See what I mean about distractions? Anyway, where was I? Oh yes, the writing – we’ll get to that part next.

Perth, Scotland with dog

Whilst still working in offices, my husband persuaded me that if I really did want to write, I should just do it. The only thing stopping me was not attempting it. That was guaranteed failure. So I did. I wrote a novel. It was rubbish. Okay, being as objective as I can, and full of insecurities (most writers always think their output is rubbish) it wasn’t completely awful. Just mostly not good. And of course, I didn’t know it at the time.

After reading a few books on the subject, it became clear there was much more to writing than just putting words on a page. That’s just the first step. I then went to some creative writing classes. I also studied for a BA (Hons) as well as a Diploma in literature and creative writing through the Open University. One of the best things I did was find a local writing group to join. Once I felt I knew more than I did when I first began, I felt more comfortable about what I was writing. I don’t think I will ever feel totally confident. However, my approach is that I am really only ever writing for myself. If anyone else likes or enjoys it, that’s a bonus.

Like most people, life changed immeasurably during the Covid Pandemic lockdowns. It was a time of re-evaluation. We decided to return to Scotland to live. It was hectic and busy. Moving house, country, uprooting your whole life (for those who have never tried it) is odd and stressful, but we had both done it before all those years ago by moving south. It means you are starting again in a new place, new people, new life. For me, writing has helped with that. Especially the writing groups I have joined.

I write short stories and novels across various genres and under different names dependent on the output. The andrew whyte imprint is less dark and gruesome than some of my other stuff and is aimed at young adult and upwards.

Scottish Highlands

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